November 11, 2004

A Call for Expanding the War on Terror

Part of what is difficult about fighting terrorists is their ability to blend in, indistinguishable from friendlies and non-combatants. However, often people will make a public action (a "slip") that marks them as suspect--whether is is financial support for institutions that hate freedom, or just a public aligning with a suspect individual or organization.

In the Bush administration's pre-emptive approach to defense, when such "slips" occur, it seems to The Malcontent that the government may wish to move immediately to contain the threat, either through invasion, seizure of the individuals involved, or other appropriately aggressive action.

First up for such treatment? The highly organized and dangerous Gorbachev Foundation, which recently held its annual meeting of Nobel Peace Prize laureates, and presented its "Man of Peace" award to the highly suspect Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens.

Oh, the insidiousness of these wily Peace Prize winners! Clearly they are sleeper agents for the Axis of Evil!! (Think about it. Among the attendees were Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa, and Rigoberta Menchu Tum, all of whom played roles in toppling governmental power in their respective countries. See? See?!? Do not be fooled, Dubya! Be ever vigilant, you vigilante! )

Oh, John Ashcroft, where are you when we need you?!? (Oh, wait. The General is still at work, so maybe it will all be OK.) At minimum, we here at The Malcontent House of Sarcastic Hyperbole expect all Nobel Peace Prize laureates to be put immediately on a "no-fly" or "watch" list.


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