November 05, 2004

Dooce: Good for gruntling.

In the midst of all the political kvetching, whining, sniping and grousing, The Malcontent takes a moment out of everyday to go see what Heather Armstrong is up to.

Heather's personal and direct blog entries serve as a reminder as to why The Malcontent became interested in blogging in the first place. Plus, she regularly writes posts that make it hard to be fully disgruntled.

(Yes, I know that particular entry is disgustingly cute. So what!?! I'm a malcontent, not a hater. Armstrong is the real deal, and if you think I'm just looped by how adorable her baby is, read this post. Thanks, Dooce for reminding the blogosphere that there are choices other than s***-talking punditry, uninformed ranting, narcissistic diary entries, or totally obscure self-reference.)


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