November 10, 2004

Nice job, d-head.

Man, can the President pick 'em, or what?

Alberto Gonzales as attorney general. Did the President not read our post earlier today? reports it's Gonzales, and finally says what we here at The Malcontent Coalition for a Civil Society have been thinking:

Gonzales has been at the center of developing Bush's positions on balancing civil liberties with waging the war on terrorism -- opening the White House counsel to the same line of criticism that has dogged Ashcroft.

For instance, Gonzales publicly defended the administration's policy -- essentially repudiated by the Supreme Court and now being fought out in the lower courts -- of detaining certain terrorism suspects for extended periods without access to lawyers or courts.

He also wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law and international treaties providing protections to prisoners of war. That position drew fire from human rights groups, which said it helped led to the type of abuses uncovered in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

Some conservatives also have quietly questioned Gonzales' credentials on core social issues. And he once was a partner in a Houston law firm which represented the scandal-ridden energy giant Enron.
Well, The Malcontent sure feels a lot safer. How about you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? Why should all of Amercia be run by people who are ..let's get down to it....bigots? I friggin' hate this place right now.

liberal in c'dale

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and another thing..i'm sick and tired of the dems playing the blame game. see previous post about Jackasses, nothing hurts the party more than pointing fingers at one another. we need to look at what the gop did and that slime ball rowe did to energize the republican base.

liberal in c'dale

4:08 PM  

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