December 14, 2004

The Malcontent Lives!

To paraphrase Twain, rumors of The Malcontent's death have been exaggerated, but not that greatly. Feeling better, hope to return to posting soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that you are back...I thought that you might be trapped under a pile of books! :)


11:16 AM  
Blogger acw said...

Sinus infection? Seems to be going around. Or do you, like a few other people in this nation, actually have work to do?

1:00 PM  
Blogger acw said...

What the hell? I've been in and out of the hospital since your last post. I imagine you have a better excuse.

3:57 PM  
Blogger The Malcontent said...

Well, sure, ACW, if I went rushing off to the hospital every time I had a life-threatening allergic reaction, like some people I, I'd probably be well.

12:26 PM  

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