December 01, 2004

So it could have been worse.

We here at The Malcontent love the stinky cheese, as do our friend and colleague AnonymousCoworker. Recently, through the machinations of the delightful P.G., The Malcontent received not one, but two whole wheels of the legendary Red Hawk, made by Cowgirl Creamery of California.

The cheese, which remind many of the French Epoisses, smelled so strongly that it was the first thing you noticed upon entering our house for all the days that the cheese was in residence. It has a light "abattoir in a sewer" kind of smell. AnonymousCoworker, a brave and stalwart soul, took one home with him, but he honestly looked a bit nervous about it.

Now, we learn it coulda been worse. (For those loyal readers who think we're over the top on this, you will note in the BBC story linked immediately prior that the French do not allow the Epoisses to be carried on public transport. When I was on the Washington D.C. Metro with these cheeses, people looked at me with an expression that said "why would anyone carry around a briefcase filled with rotting garbage?" Really.)

(As far as the Red Hawk goes, The Malcontent can only echo the words of Ferris Bueller, in contemplating the 1961 Ferrari, two-fifty GT California: "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.")


Blogger acw said...

It was stankliscious. Even Kmart, a virgin to cheeses with the aroma of a freshly turned graveyard, acknowledged that the Red Hawk had a complex flavor.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Kmart said...

Yes it's true. I must confess I tried the stinky cheese. When the AC brought it home our apartment quickly smelled of baby diaper, burnt hair, and rotting garbage all at once. It created a super smell which still can be sniffed around the area of the dishwasher. I can't believe I actually put that stuff in my mouth, but after ingesting the stanky stuff it wasn't half bad. Like my friend the AC said, the flavor was "complex".

1:38 PM  
Blogger suitablegirl said...

ah, monsieur malcontent, you are do you say...braver soul than moi, bien sur. ;) though i am a connouisseur of fromage, i am not brave enough to try anything that is...stinky.

oh, and cowgirl creamery rocks. good taste on you. :)

8:54 AM  
Blogger The Malcontent said...

Anna, face the fear! Try the stinky cheese. At first, it helps if you hold your breath.

Given your busy and righteous efforts to shut down morning radio pinheads, thanks for taking the time to comment!

And HERstory rocks!

5:21 PM  

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