September 29, 2004

Food Section.

In honor of Spouse of Malcontent, who loves sandwiches, the recipe for one of the world's oddest sandwiches, the chip butty.

Also a shout-out to Bill, who clearly loves sandwiches more than SoM, because his blog is called I Love Sandwiches.

The chip butty is one of those creations that is as much process as recipe. This recipe is adapted from the Lancastrian one found on this page of The Goodies Rule-OK!

The chip butty, while perhaps known outside of England and the U.K., seems to be perfected there. You start with big thick french fries—what the Brits would call “chips.”

You could buy take-out fries, but you can also do it yourself in a deep fryer or on the stovetop--think big steak fry size. Fry them up golden brown--crispness counts.

Then you want a soft roll, like a hamburger bun. Potato buns are a good choice, though it does seem a lot like eating a bacon-stuffed pork chop....

You want to butter your bread thickly--enough to make even your most ardent Atkins fat-natic nervous....

Then grab some hot chips and cram them on the roll. I mean, mash them down. This should be a vigorous assembly process. (Apparently, many feel this step is best if the chips go straight from the fryer to the bun, with a minimum of draining.)

As to condiments, opinions vary. Some feel a generous application of salt and vinegar is perfection. Others, tomato sauce. Even brown sauce (which, if you don’t have, can be approximated with A-1 Sauce). Yank barbarians like myself like a little catsup.

Next Wednesday—D.I.Y. angioplasty, natch.


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