August 20, 2004

The Malcontent, Chameleon.

We go black-on-white with a new template today. If you like white-on-blue better, please alert The Malcontent's Office of Blog Management and Design.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was something very... speakeasy about the old format. The new format is very... squinky. It's the best I can come up with at this time. You can infer any positivity or negativity in those adjectives. -ACW

2:38 PM  
Blogger The Malcontent said...

OK, so I'm not really sure how I deleted my above comment, so allow me to reiterate:

Squinky in a good way? I ask because it could be bad in a positive way, or good in a negative way--say, too clean looking.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old format was not as nice looking but easier to read. Also this format looks a little too "canned".

11:09 PM  

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