July 27, 2004

Eeek! A Woman with Backbone!

Teresa Heinz Kerry tells an obnoxious reporter to "shove it" and sets off a mad press frenzy. (Hell, even worthless gasbag Rush Limbaugh admits that "everybody has wanted to tell a reporter to shove it.")

Why, who does she think she is? Oh, yeah, someone who doesn't feel compelled to let members of the press run rough-shod over her simply because they think it's their due. The reporter was editor Colin McNickle, who works for the conservative Pittsburgh Tribune Review (owned by right-wing nutjob Richard Scaife Mellon) . Your pals in the Fourth Estate have got some pretty thin skin, eh, Colin.

The Vice-President drops the f-bomb on a member of Congress, and there is a bit of hoopla, but when a woman speaks her mind (and without obscenity), then there is concern about whether she's inappropriate, whether she's a loose cannon. Hey, she's not going to be negotiating national and foreign policy positions--that's going to be John's job.

I'm with Hillary on this one. You go, girl.


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